One continuous question I’ve received is… Why on earth did I name this website Tiaras and Lipstick?
The answer is simple. I picked this name to characterize and represent all women! I know… it sounds strange, as I could’ve chosen a more simple and straightforward name like ‘working women’ or ‘a woman’s blog.’ But, I feel that we as women, are much more complicated and distinctive than just that!
Throughout the history of mankind, names have always been used to signify something specific about each of us as individuals; and they give us character, heritage and life. Whether common or peculiar, a name is always chosen for a specific reason. The actual definition of the word “name” is “a word or set of words by which a person, animal, place, or thing is known, addressed, or referred to.” This is proven throughout our lives. Expectant parents take time to choose a significant name prior to the birth of their child, a family will take time to choose a special name shortly after adopting a new pet, and authors spend countless hours contemplating book titles and names of characters. Ultimately, you would be surprised how many ‘things’ we name in our lives… a teddy bear, a blanket, an imaginary friend, a doll, a pillow, a pet, a car, a plant, etc. The list is endless. Each name chosen is significant, and each has a special meaning to the owner.
I chose Tiaras and Lipstick, as I felt it was the best representation of us women. Tiaras represent a part of our youth – the little girl and princess that lives inside. The word tiara is merely the representation of something special from when you were young, something that made you feel pretty, something that also made you happy! It could be a makeshift crown, a piece of jewelry, your favorite dress, a fancy hat or a magic wand. The tiara just happens to be my thing to describe my inner girl. Whatever the beloved item from your youth is – it is technically your tiara.
Now, remember when we first entered into womanhood? At that time, there was a slow graduation from tiara to lipstick. We didn’t necessarily ‘trade in’ our tiara, but the lipstick somehow takes over as the thing that makes us feel pretty and special. Now once again, lipstick is just the item that I chose to represent me as a woman. You may have a different object in mind for this as well. I chose lipstick because of all the different brands and shades that exist, and how the colors often illustrate the mood I am in when I wear them… I feel calm and content when I wear my nude colors, I feel confident when I wear my pinks and bronzes, I seem to find my ‘sexy’ when I wear a deep red or purple… and I feel my best when I wear my favorite shade – chintz! Whatever your cosmetic, whatever your brand, whatever your color, whatever your actual item… it represents the woman you are! It is technically, your lipstick.
Hence… These are the thoughts that led to the birth of this blog! And with it, my catchphrase… “Within every woman, is her own unique tiara and her favorite shade of lipstick.”
So please, humor me if you will. Comment and share… What was your tiara growing up? And what is your favorite shade of lipstick?

-Chintz 💄
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