Hello again, ladies! For those of you who have journeyed with me from day one, let’s celebrate the fact that we are two weeks down, and have accepted our fears and proclaimed our gratefulness. Now… on to the fun stuff! For those of you just joining, please feel free to go back and review the first two weeks of the ‘Me Is She’ Challenge, here. For the rest of us, let’s each ask ourselves…. What makes me feel pretty?

Moving into week three, it is now time to celebrate ourselves. As women, we are constantly moving and evolving, and at the same time, we are also constantly apologizing – either out loud or in our minds. Meaning, we tend to point out our shortcomings, our flaws, our imperfections… rather than highlight our attributes, our strengths. I have spoken to many women, across many cultures and backgrounds, and the one thing that many of us have in common is that we tend to be too critical of ourselves. We make excuses and apologize for everything under the sun, including things not even in our control, quicker than we will stand proud of ourselves for an accomplishment or just being a confident woman. I remember speaking to a coworker of mine, who I bumped into one day in the hallway at work. I remember admiring her sandals and paying her a compliment about them. As she looked down, she apologized to me for her chipped toenail polish, and went on to explain how she had been so busy earlier in the week that she didn’t have time to make it to the nail salon. Toe nail polish, ladies! Obviously, there was no reason for her to apologize, offer an excuse, or even explain her situation to me, but for some reason, she felt compelled to do so. And what’s even sadder, is that if she hadn’t mentioned it to me, I wouldn’t have noticed in the first place. Toe nail polish… how many of us have apologized over toe nail polish? Well, not literally, but you get my point.
We easily accept all of the negative aspects of ourselves, but less often celebrate the true greatness that lives within us and the things we should be proud of. I have had the tendency to do the same, but I have also learned to accept the good things about myself as well. There is nothing wrong with acknowledging and being proud of ‘the best of you’, rather than focusing on the ‘not so great.’ There will always be flaws – none of us are perfect – but we don’t have to dwell on them or point them out to others.
So, for this week, let’s focus on what makes us feel pretty. And I’m not talking about just our physical appearance (although that can clearly be a positive attribute). Let’s focus on the things we love about ourselves, the things that make us feel special, the things that allow us to feel pride and strength, the things that represent the strong women we are.
For this coming week, we will be posting one thing about ourselves that we love (or deeply like, for those of you who are still too modest to admit self-love). And yes, we are posting it! Not necessarily every day (don’t want our followers to think we’re bragging), but at least one or two this week. Feel free to post a picture with the caption as well, and don’t forget to #meisshechallenge. You can also see all of my posts if you visit my Instagram page @tiaras_and_lipstick, or view the #meisshechallenge.
As a side note, I am running a campaign to mirror these blogs and will be doing a promotion each month this summer. For June, since the theme is ‘What Makes You Feel Pretty?,’ I am giving away a $25 SEPHORA gift card. (Shopping at SEPHORA always makes me feel pretty). All you have to do is subscribe to my blog here via email, if you haven’t already, and you’re automatically entered. Check out the latest promotions here, on the Promotions page. So, spread the word and stay tuned…. It’s going to be a fun summer!
– Chintz 💄