Calling all working moms, single moms, stay-at-home moms, single ladies, unemployed women, married ladies, retired women… Do you feel unmotivated these days… are you in mid-life crisis…. or perhaps in post-partum… or menopausal… or are you struggling with another challenge… or just tired of life? Well, you are not alone! There are many women who are struggling, even ‘successfully’, to manage their lives and those of their children and family. Yes, I said it… you can struggle and be successful at the same time! I am a successful, working mom who has been caught up in the mid-life challenges that many of us face… health issues, working long hours, raising kids, marital stress, the worry of aging parents. Not to mention, the state of the world right now and all of its afflictions!
But, I am here to tell you that there is more to life than just those things. There is a happiness that exists and waits for you to seek it each and every day… if you would only look for it a little more closely.

As Mental Health Awareness month comes to a close, I feel it is important to recognize both those who are suffering severely from a mental health disorder… and more specifically, those who are not. As a young child, I realized three things early on. First, I did not like scary movies. Second, I did not like to be chased. And third, I have a phobia of bugs. (Although, I did not fully identify that it was a true “phobia” until I got older.) Yet, as trivial as these three things may seem to you, they were quite debilitating to me at various times in my life. They sometimes affected my moods, sleep patterns, social interactions and more. And at various times, I could see them luring me down a dark path to an unhappy & despondent existence. …Yet, I survived! Thankfully, my life continued on… but not because I conquered these fears, but rather, I accepted them. It took me a number of years to do this, as the human instinct is usually to try to “overcome”, “find the cure”, or just “fix it”, etc. But, I have come to terms with the fact that not everything can be “fixed” as I am far from perfect… and that’s ok!
Fast forward a number of years, and I now have additional fears… the safety and health of my children, my full-time job, the success of my marriage, the ability to pay bills and provide, the wellness of my elderly parents and maintaining my own health. All of these things can cause a variety of symptoms associated with anxiety, depression and others; sometimes leading to addictions, therapy, clinical medications and more… But, what if those fears aren’t quite as bad as your mind tells you to think they are? What if you can accept your greatest fears and still find peace? What if there is still time in your life to gain more happiness, and possibly avoid one of those traditional, clinical and costly methods &/or medications?
Want the answer? Join me in taking the ‘Me is She’ Challenge, and transform your mind! Accept who you are, including your fears, and join me on this peace-seeking journey! A refresher is sometimes necessary, and this time around, I am asking you all to journey with me. Now, it’s going to be a process, but it is going to be so worth it! We’re going to do this one day at a time, starting with a daily post… yes, I said daily. Trust me, you can do it!

Step One – Week One: This week, starting today (May 31st ), we are going to own our fear… Post one thing about ourselves that we are fearful about or makes us afraid, AND one thing we can be/are happy or grateful for in regards to that fear. I know it sounds tricky, so here’s an example: “I own this fear. I am afraid of clowns, but I am happy they make others laugh.” It doesn’t matter how big or small your fear is, just post it. If you have a more personal challenge, then just write it down in a notebook or journal for that day. However, posting it and putting it out there into the universe really does help. So, if you can… post! And don’t forget to use #meisshechallenge.
Be sure to look out for my first post later today, if you need another example or inspiration before you start. Also, share this with your lady friends, as they can jump into this challenge today or at any time. And for those men in your lives who just can’t keep away from a good challenge, you can feel free to share (or not) with them. Just tell them to use #meishechallenge instead. Us ladies have to have our own space. 😉
For those of you who are not ready, that’s ok too. If a doctor or traditional medicine is what you feel you need at this time, then please consult with a physician. I have also included links to a few online resources below, for your review and assistance.
Either way… For encouraging emails and motivational quotes sent directly to you, be sure to subscribe to my blog by entering your email here on this webpage, or visit my Facebook page and click ‘Join My List’.
Together, we are going to end this year a lot better than it started!
– Chintz 💄
(Feel free to sign with you signature lipstick name. If you have time, read my post ‘What’s in a Name?’)

Here are the resource links I mentioned earlier:
- The Anxiety and Depression Association of America, ADAA: Home has an enormous amount of resources and information, including anxiety reduction strategies and articles that address specific disorders and symptoms.
- The Anxiety Boss is another source for articles on anxiety disorders and various options for treatment.
- The Anxiety Coach is a self help guide, with information and techniques on self-management for phobias and disorders.
- Read my post on Attacking Depression! for some additional information and links as well.