If you read my last blog post, then you already know that I promote all types of ‘distractions’ these days; those things that can easily divert our attention away from this tumultuous time that we find ourselves in. (To read my previous post titled ‘March Madness,’ click <here>.)
With the continuation of quarantines and state lock-downs, I still feel we are all pressed to occupy ourselves in new, creative ways. However, there is a new emerging challenge that many of us are facing… and that is surviving confinement while coexisting in our homes with those that we love. Wait… did I say love? Yes, I did. If you’re anything like me, then you are probably coming to the realization that you loved your family a lot more before you were forced to spend this inordinate amount of time with them. I know… it sounds incredibly cruel and callous, but it is a fact. Co-habitating for this amount of time, without the usual break or time apart, is just not natural!
So… how do we escape the thoughts and primal urges to strangle one another as we continue on this journey of being confined in our homes?Well, there are a few things that we can attempt, in the hopes of alleviating the annoyance, frustration and stress that we may be feeling…
Number 1: Wake up each morning and take a deep breath! Perhaps even spend a few extra minutes in brief meditation, doing breathing exercises, or in silent prayer. Trust me, this is a crucial and necessary step to survive the day ahead of you in your present environment.
Number 2: Try to remember that these are the same people that you cherished and loved just a few weeks ago. Spend some time in the morning, perhaps while you are in the shower, thinking about the positive attributes of each of your family members. It would also be helpful to muster up some happy memories as well; perhaps past birthday parties, vacations or other celebratory events.
Number 3: Attempt to start a new venture or hobby. This can be something that is completely mindless (like my preferred Netflix binge-watching), or something brand new that you haven’t done before. Start a scrapbook, write a poem, look up how to crochet, read a novel, or reorganize your linen closet. (OK, maybe not that last one.)
Number 4: Call, or write a letter to a distant loved one. If you think hard enough, there are probably at least one or two people that you have not had recent communication with. Take some time to reach out to them, and remind them that they are thought of and loved!
And lastly, Number 5: Replicate a task or activity that would be part of your normal week. Pick a task that if done with true intent and sincerity, can boost the serotonin levels in your body; meaning, it can better your mood, lift your spirits, and make you happy! Perhaps it is a morning workout at home in place of a trip to the gym, or fixing a cup of coffee and listening to some of your favorite music in place of a trip to Starbucks and listening to the radio in your car.
For me, it’s window shopping! I love spending time perusing store aisles, looking at products, comparing prices and even making small purchases to fit my budget. My favorite go-to stores are Ulta and Sephora. I would spend maybe an hour or so, looking, exploring, sampling, and just feeling ‘womanly’ and ‘pretty.’ This activity has always been therapeutic for me. There is nothing like sampling a new lipstick color, exploring a new eye shadow, or obtaining a sample of the newest eye cream or facial serum. I would always leave the store with a smile on my face and in a better mood than when I entered, despite how small my purchase may have been.
So I now visit my favorite stores online (or via phone app) from the comfort of my couch, and peruse the ‘virtual’ beauty & cosmetic aisles. I survey various items and descriptions of the beauty benefits, read product reviews, add items to my ‘favorites’ or ‘wish list,’ and save stuff for a future purchase. Somehow, my brain processes this activity the same as if I were actually in the store, and I usually feel pretty happy and fulfilled when I am all done.
What is your therapeutic task? What activities normally lift your spirits, and how can you come close to accomplishing the same thing while in your home. Comment here and share your thoughts and ideas!
With each of the above steps, we can all hold it together, we can feel more normal, and we can maintain our sanity… even if we haven’t left the house for over a week.
Be sane and be well! -Chintz