We have all had our fair share of the challenges of this past year, and unless you happen to be one of the few who struck it rich or found true love in 2020, you are feeling like the rest of us – ready for a new year to begin! I don’t know about you, but for me, this new year is going to look a little different. I am appreciating more things than I have before, I want to make sure that I take advantage of every opportunity given to me, as well as treasure every person in my life in a newfound and special way. Sounds easy enough, right? Wrong. In order to achieve these new goals that I am setting for myself, I have to prepare and plan strategically, the same way I would for any major project. And the first step in this process is the most important – saying goodbye to those things you have to, in order to ensure success in achieving your goals and experiencing a better new year.
So, here they are, the top 10 things you should leave behind you in this year, and enter the new year feeling lighter and freer than ever before!
10. Unhealthy habits – Kick those nasty habits that drain you of your energy and spunk, right to the curb! Now, I’m not saying that you have to abandon every habit (a glass of red wine is a welcomed destressor, if you ask me); however, you should pick the one habit you feel is the most detrimental to your success, the one that inhibits your abilities more often, the one that has caused you to feel less confident – and then take steps to let it loose!
9. Fears – Let go of those fears that have been holding you back for so long. There is always some risk involved when you take chances, and although it can seem scary, try not to think of it as such. Look at each experience or potential idea as an opportunity to learn, whether you make a mistake or not.
8. Second Guesses – (Those dreaded ‘What If’s’) – My mother taught me a long time ago that a woman’s gut (her instincts) is something to be treasured and relied upon – always! I have learned the hard way to trust my gut feelings and not second guess myself, especially when my initial thought or idea quickly comes to mind and makes sense. Try not to dwell on the what if’s that pop into your head, as because they will always exist… and they often turn into those internal negative thoughts. Instead, just make your best judgement call and stick with it!
7. Negative Thoughts – Try to think positive thoughts when you can, especially about yourself and your goals. Your thoughts dictate your behaviors, which can either move you in a forward direction or turn you back around. So, remember that what you think turns into what you do… so don’t let your thoughts turn into actions that cause hesitation and stop you from achieving.
6. Worries – It is said that worry is just a meditation on crap! When you worry, you are merely rethinking your decisions, considering the what if’s and often feeding the negative thoughts that you should be letting go of. Don’t let your worries stop you from chasing your goals and dreams. Worries can also often turn into deep fears, which will then stop you from achieving anything you originally set your mind to do. Take the chance instead.
5. Doubts – A doubt is simply one big negative thought! Doubt is a feeling of uncertainty or lack of conviction, which seeps in when you don’t feel you can attain the success you are looking to achieve. And like all the others, it is a feeling that lacks confidence, and leads to a hesitation in your actions, which can be crippling to your success. (However… The only important thing to note is that when your gut feeling tells you to seriously doubt, then follow your instincts and leave it out!)
4. Procrastination – This is the action of delaying or postponing something, and is technically another word for hesitation. I’ve rarely seen anything good come from continuously putting off something, and it is actually just a huge waste of time. The more you procrastinate, the more doubt and fear set in… causing you to eventually dread &/or talk yourself out of whatever it is you were trying to do. So, do not not put off till tomorrow what you can actually do today. Remember, no one knows what tomorrow brings, so be sure to take advantage of every opportunity you’re given.
3. Apologies – If you’ve read my post titled Now Is the Time to Stop Apologizing!, then you already know exactly how I feel about this one. Just stop! There is no need to apologize for your feelings, dreams, goals, aspirations or even the occasional selfish indulgences. Just live your best life, and don’t trouble yourself about what others may think.
2. Ungratefulness – This is a big one. Over the years, I have learned that “to whom much is given, much is expected” and that includes being grateful. If you cannot be grateful for the smaller things you have or have achieved, it is more difficult to attain the bigger ones. Try to look at your life now and see the good more than the bad, and in turn, that will open the door for more blessings to flow through. In the end, you will then be better prepared to handle the success when it comes knocking at your door.
1. Negative People – People are usually the last thing that most people want to address, and sometimes are the most difficult as well. However, people are most important when it comes to maintaining positive outcomes in your life. Having negative people around you will drain you of the time, energy and patience you need in order to accomplish your goals and obtain the results you are looking for. Instead, surround yourself with like-minded and successful individuals who will encourage, motivate and support you. It will make a big difference in how you think, feel and achieve, as you move forward towards your dreams.
So, there you have it! Take on one of these obstacles at a time until you are rid of the entire list, and can continue on into the new year with a clear head and positive spirit. And don’t be discouraged if you encounter a setback… just take another step in the right direction and press on! Once you have successfully completed these tasks, you will begin to see results right away. Just remember to revisit this list on a periodic basis, as these deterrants sneak back into your life when you least expect them to… and trust me, you want to ensure that your success continues into the future as far you can see!
Happy New Year!
-Chintz 💄
*For additional coaching services, please see my coaching services page. For questions, send me an email via the contact page.
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